Knowledge Base

Do More with Heathen


To the Heathen Knowledge Base.

Here, you will find guides, articles, and samples on all game developer matters, as well as complete documentation and guidance on all of Heathen's assets!

This guide is made possible and supported by the GitHub Sponsor program.

👀 Look to your left!

On the left side of the page, you will see the navigation column with a few article groups.


The topmost being the group you are in now contains general information about Heathen and this Knowledge Base-like info on becoming a GitHub Sponsor ☺️

General Guides

The general guides section contains a wide variety of topics about becoming and being a game developer. From the first steps and our, Indie Check List to tips on Design and Development through to the Live operation of your game (coming soon).


We have been supporting Steam game developers for a decade and have a ton of guides, samples, and tools to help you get started. Our Steam guides will help you make the most out of the Steam platform, setting up your developer account, creating your store page, and integrating Steamworks (Steam API) we have you covered!

Heathen Assets

The Heathen assets section contains full and detailed documentation on all of Heathen's assets and goes beyond simple "what and how" and into guides on common use cases and recommended practices. Each asset family has its sub-section and is divided into further sections according to the nature of the asset itself.

Last updated