Command Line

Easy read of the commands passed in when your game was launched

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The CommandLine static class makes it easy to read the arguments passed in when your game was launched, and includes a set of common commands to help with common use cases.


Get Argument Line

This will return the string of arguments passed in as a single string

string argumentLine = CommandLine.GetArgumentLine();

Get Arguments

This will return an array of arguments and is similar to to calling Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() however it also handles WebGL and Android arguments on URL

The array will be in the form of

{ arg1, value1, arg2, value2, arg3, value3 }

string[] arguments = CommandLine.GetArguments();

Get Steam Lobby Invite

A common use case that has been wrapped up as a simple 1 line call. This will return the id of the lobby the player has accepted the invite to, if any.

ulong lobbyId = CommandLine.GetSteamLobbyInvite();
if(lobbId == 0)
    //No lobby invite accepted
    //We have a lobby invite accepted and should join it

Get Auto Config

A common use case that has been wrapped up as a simple 1 line call. This will return true if the SteamAutoConfig argument has been passed in.

Auto Configure is a feature many gamers expect exists in a game. It was originally part of the Source engine (Valve's engine they built HL2 and various other games on). When this is detected the gamer is expecting the game to reset its graphics settings and is most often used when the game's configuration causes a fatal error on load.

    //We should default the graphics settiings

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