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You will always start with an introduction which will summarize the topic your working with. This should be a short and concise expression of the topic so the reader can quickly understand if this is the article they are looking for or not.

Use of banners, images, 3D models, audio files and more can help express the topic where words tend to fall a bit flat.


This section detail the subject as it appears at its hight or most prominent use in lore. The objective of this section is to describe in detail all relevant factors of the topic and may contain many sub-sections depending on the nature of the topic.


  • Key or critical information on the topic will be listed here

  • For characters this might be name variations, gender, affiliations, etc.

  • For relics this could include major appearances in stories, powers, etc.

  • The point is a "character card" like digest of the critical factors for this topic


Most things have a sounds and this information can add a lot of depth to the resource. Spoken expression of the name, readings of stories or pomes featuring the topic and more can be of great use and help to tie emotion to the topic.

For locations or other topics with an ambient signature provide an expression of that sound. The sounds of Irelands waterfalls, our native birds, the cry of the deer. While Irish wolves are sadly gone we can find close relatives.

Audio is an important part of description of a topic


Most physical things will have some form of appearance and so a subsection describing that appearance will be needed.

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Be sure to note the source of the image and its intent. Its rare that we would have any accurate visuals of the period in question.

Be as descript in your expression of appearance as possible. Show visuals, and give variants. Most topics will have variations in appearance by region or story. Remember each age or time period can be expressed in the "Evolution" sub articles so use and link to those as required.


Maps should have a visual representation along with any text descriptions provided.

If the area translates to a real location be sure to express that relationship and provide links to relevant information on the "real" equivalent.


Characters especially representing well rounded people with births, deaths and various personality traits will benefit from a biograph or similar section.

Remember this is a folklore codex, not an historical account so keep it to the folklore not the history. Many figures may have links or ties to real persons or be composites of real persons as is typical of such lore (a grain of truth/fact) be sure to express these relationships and link to any such hard information in the references section but do not modify folklore to suit history nor should we modify history to suit folklore.


Every topic is unique and may have more or less sections and sub sections as required. A general structure will be maintained but informed by content and requirement as opposed to dictated in design.


Every topic will have a references section, this section will preferably link or if none available describe in details the sources of the information for this topic.

We will list every available resource for the topic rather or not it is used. An annotation on each reference will indicate how it was used in this codex if at all

Source Example

Each source will have its own sub-section which may be further decomposed as required. images, links and more can be applied here as necessary to fully expose the source to the reader.

Last updated