Dag Dia

"Shining Divinity" aka the Good God

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Personal notes

This seems to be a proto-character, that is this character is listed as the father or grandfather of several other characters. How much of this is from a medieval obsession with heredity vs sourced from the native lore is not yet known.

This may be the masculine form of the most primal concepts in the folk lore. Generally embodying death, life and knowledge and being the forbearer of higher concepts.


Often compared to Odin or similar and some variant names include "Ollathair" "All father" which seems more a butchery of "Valfather" which doesn't mean "all father" it means "father of those slain in battle"

This figure seems to be a triple god or at least appears to have had multiple persona at one point

In particular "The Dagda" feels more like a title or reverence than the individual, most of the stories are either over embellished (middle ages fairy-tale clumping all the great figures into one) or slanderous (Christian story meant to dog the fairy-tale)

There are a few notes of "The Dagda" as a triple god with reference to Donn, Ogma and possibly Nuada or Lugh. Lugh as a figure appears as its own triple god in a few cases suggesting a relationship but an independent one. Their is also a few reference of Dagda and Lugh to be in contrast ... for example Lugh kills a son of Dagda who is later resurrected by Dagda.

Many scholars seem overly obsessed in relating Dagda with Odin and in relating many of the male deities to Greek or Nordic or both deities. While they may well share a common cultural root if one goes far enough back; Celtic, Hellenic, Germanic and Nordic are fairly far removed so we don't find it useful to take these analogies to far.


This deity seems to be an older one with fairly close matches in terms of name, function and known traditions across multiple Celtic sources. This would sugest this diety is from the inital inhabitants

Visually It would make since to style this figure in line with its other Celtic counterparts tinted with early Irish (6000 CE) stylings

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