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Gender does not define what one can become, do or aspire to nor what is expected of one. A woman who is wronged or abused is encouraged to seek her own justice or vengeance as would any other person be. Anyone regardless of gender can become a leader, warrior, druid or fill any other role. Performance and competency are more important than other factors.

Despite this gender wasn't muddied or ignored, language was gendered meaning a gender was assigned to most words and concepts. Notions of masculine and feminine where important bits of information for most aspects we are aware of. These peoples saw two genders and they saw them in everything as more than simple factors of sexuality. The notion of gender as part of ones character and identify stands out. This includes figures and characters that change gender either over some personal development or at will.


As with gender this just didn't seem to matter, who your parents where could be a social point for you but would not grant or forbid roles, positions, etc. Leadership for example was not handed down, rather leaders where chosen among the people. Its also noted that many notable figures would project heredity from folk figures such as Hazel. We see this in Egyptian and other old cultures where the notion of being the son or daughter was worked into name and title but its unlikely anyone took it literally. Rather heredity seemed much more symbolic than the literal heredity we see in modern and later ages.


Guest must be treated well, offered food, comfort and curtesy and should not be pressed for information or payment. A common notion we see assigned to many cultures especially those further north is that of open hospitality. People should be brought into the living space and provided for without question and regardless of rank. How much this worked in practice isn't known but the idea is expressed frequently and appears as a note from many sources.


Leadership is earned by the worthy not inherited by the child. This is noted from multiple sources, the notion of heredity by blood just doesn't seem very important especially not when selecting leaders.


There are no taboos of note regarding sex or sexuality. Sex can be personal, private and intimate or open and recreational, partners may be singular or many and of any gender or strata. Other cultures such as the Greek and Roman made note of how open proto-celt and celt peoples where with sex in particular the females. The understanding is that Celtic culture simply lacked stigma around the topic while Greek and related cultures had some degree of stigma around at least female sexuality at some points in their history. It may well be that Celtic culture also had blips of stigma around male and or female sexuality but due to a much smaller and less detailed record we just don't have the evidence for it.

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