The backbone of early Steam
Last updated
The backbone of early Steam
Last updated
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Be carful to protect the value of your product. If you discount to much, to often or are part of sharply discounted bundles then the perceived value of your product and similar products will crash. This is very bad for everyone especially the consumer as it is not sustainable.
Bundles are a tool that allow you to "bundle" up multiple items and apply a discount making it more attractive to purchase the bundle than each item independently. Bundles can take many forms. the most common is simply as a bundle, you have no doubt seen these on Steam such as a publishers bundle or franchise bundle. follows are a few types of bundles and notes on how they are implemented.
Obviously this can be made annoying if your packing bundles full of junk no one wants and 1 item everyone wants but cant get else where. One option to avoid this annoyance is to offer each for sale on its own "ala carte" as well as in a bundle. Be sure to use a Steam style dynamic bundle that can adjust its price based on the items the user already owns or you will fall into another annoying problem ... I already own some of this but not all of it ... is it still a good deal? Steam's Dynamic bundles will remove already owned items and reduce the price for the user. Other platforms typically have a similar "catch up bundle" concept.