Team Collaboration

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When your working with a team and need to share assets from a secure repository such as Heathen's Source Repo.

When you sponsor Heathen you get a site based license, which means you are licensed to have other staff, contractors, etc. who are working under you on your project use our code for that project/task.

Getting them access can be a challenge since they will not have access to Source Repo and you cannot give them access to it without them paying for a sponsorship

The solution however is much easier than bothering with that and is the recommended practice rather or not your using any secure assets.


In your GitHub Repo simply create a folder named Third Party or something suitable for your to understand the contents are 3rd party files.

Once you have them copied into your repository check them in such that you have a repo that looks similar to this

Once checked in you can import the package to your Unity Project using the Git URL

Git URL Structure

Simply take the URL you see in the browser for the folder that contains the package.json in our example case that is

Next replace /tree/main with .git? such that the URL looks like this

This is the Git URL that can be used with Unity Package Manager's Add from Git URL feature.

Once you add the package the URL will be reflected there as well meaning future updates are a matter of clicing the Update button.

Obviously you would need to copy in the source update into your ThirdParty folder and check in before clicking Update in order for it to see the updated files.

Last updated