Unity to Unreal
For the Unity developer learning Unreal
Last updated
For the Unity developer learning Unreal
Last updated
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No you 100% do not have to learn C++ to create games in Unreal ... whoever told you that is full of ๐ฉ
So you are a Unity developer and you want to learn how to work with Unreal?
That's great, no matter your reasoning it is always useful to learn more about more tools and make no mistake an engine is just a game dev tool, it's not a religion, a marriage or a way of life. It's a tool, there are many, you should learn as much as you can and choose the right tool for the project and the team.
The articles in this section will explore the Unreal Game Engine, the typical design approaches seen with Unreal and will do it from the point of view of a Unity developer. The objective is to help you port as much of your knowledge and experience as possible into the early learning steps of Unreal giving you a boost on your journey.
Unity and Unreal have two very different approaches to developing a game engine.
Unreal has a "way" to it, because Unreal has so many tools, features and systems available to you right out-of-the-box you probably want to make yourself aware of what that "way" is and adjust your design to make use of it, not fight against it.
Beyond those handy tools, in Unreal fundamental concepts of a game are already defined and built in as part of the engine.
Game Instance
Game Mode