
Flexable, searchable multi-select system

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public static class API.Selection

Make game objects selectable and searchable with an easy to use and simple interface.

What can it do?

  • Make any game object selectable

  • Handle multi-select e.g. having more than 1 item selected at a time

  • Handles selectable types using a simple but robust tag system

  • Search through all selected objects

  • Search through all available selectables rather they are selected or not


Selection Changed

Occurs when the selection state changes and expresses the set of added and removed selectables.

Each selectable has its own selection changed event which is raised when that item is added to or removed from the selection.



A selectable is any game object which includes a Selectable Object component. These objects will register and deregister them selves from the selection system on create and destroy respectivly and can be used to search selections, available selectablles and to get specific selected objects.

A core concept at use by the selection system is the Heathen Tag system. This allows you to mark up selectables with specific tags. You can use these tags with the selection system to get the set of all selected objects which have a given tag or tags.


Imagin we have the following tags

  • UnitTag

  • InfantryTag

  • CalvaryTag

  • AirTag

  • SeaTag

In this case all of our units would be selectables and would have at least 2 tags being Unit and whatever type of Unit they where such as Infantry. The player can now select a group of units regardless of what type they may be and we can get the subset of the selected units that match a given type e.g.