
Read and write Trello cards

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public static class API.Trello

A simple Trello interface enabling access to Trello cards.

What can it do?

This can be used to create Trello cards on a target board in a target list. You can upload attachments to the card including images, files, etc.

This interface requires a valid API key and token to be used. For more information please see the Trello API site

How To

Get a list of available boards

Get a list of available boards, you would typically do this to get a board ID for use in the GetLists operation.

StartCoroutine(API.Trello.GetBoards(key, token, callback));

Get a list of list objects

Get a list of lists in this board, you would typcially do this to get a list of lists available to this board for use in the GetCards or CreateCard operations.

StartCoroutine(API.Trello.GetLists(key, token, boardId, callback));

Get Cards

Get a list of cards in the indicated list.

StartCoroutine(API.Trello.GetCards(key, token, listId, callback));

Create Card

Create a new card and optionally attach local files to it.


The attachments should be a collection of fully qualified paths to the files to be attached to the card.

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