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To be attached to an object that can be dragged, meant for use with the Drag and Drop system. The intent of this componenet is that you add it to the Unity Engine UI object you want to be draggable, it could represent a spell, inventory item, etc.
You can use the static members listed below to understand the state of the drag and drop system as a whole.
The object currently being dragged if any
You will notice the Drag Item has a Types
field which takes any kind of scriptable object you would like to place in it. This operates much like a "tag" system and in fact we provide a scriptable object ScriptableTag
that contains no data and is meant for exsactly this sort of use. You can read more about .
Lets assume we are using Drag and Drop for an ability bar system. Lets then assume we have weapon and spell abilities which can be "normal" or "ultimate" and that 1 of our slots the "ultimate" slot can take any normal ability or ultimate ability but that normal slots cannot take ultimate abilities.
We would then create scriptable objects as such
We would add all of the scriptable objects to our Drop Item that matched, so all of them would get "Ability", all of the weapon abilities but not the spells would get "Weapon", all the spells but not weapon abilities would get "Spell" and so on.
You can see a working example of this sort of conditional limits in the examples. In our examples we have slots and items that have 2 attributes color and number. some slots have just 1 attribute some have both some have none e.g. can take any item. This system lets you insure your users cant drag abilities to inventory slots, cant put a helmet on there feet, etc.
Occurs when the drag operation starts
Occurs when the drop operation is accepted
Occurs when the drop operation is cancled
We can now configure the Drop Containers accordingly. That is we can indicate that they take Abilities and which one allows for Ultimate or excludes Ultimate. You can read more about and its filter in its article.
The home container for this object
The proxy to be used if any. This is used if the Move Effect type is Move Proxy
What effect should be applied on drag
What should happen on a clear drop
Used as a multi-tag system for defining drop rules on containers