Fair, honest, ethical how to monetize your game
Last updated
Fair, honest, ethical how to monetize your game
Last updated
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Doing monetization right is key not just for the success of your game but for our industry as a whole. The articles in this section will explore the various tools, methods and options available to you and highlight major problem areas.
Heathen is strictly opposed to any form of predatory monetization.
You will find wording and terminology here that calls out bad practices as the bad practices they are. This is meant to help inform you and not offend you however we make no apologies for any offence either.
In the sub-articles of this section, you will find a breakdown of all major monetization models, models define high-level concepts around when and how you monetize your product such as PayToPlay, FreeToPlay, etc. Tools are the next area of research for you, these deal with specific mechanisms for monetization that can generally be used in any model for example expansions, subscriptions, community marketplaces, etc.
Clear up-front pricing with a reasonable "max buy-in".
It should not be possible to spend infinite money on your project, you should not use premium currency, and you should not use probability loot boxes.
DLC and other one-time or restricted purchase options that clearly define what is being purchased, can be purchased with cash upfront, which includes a refund policy or other consumer protections and does not in any way obscure what is included in the purchase.
That is what works.
Premium currency
Loot boxes
Commodity purchases (endless purchases)
Surprise mechanics
All of the a