
Understanding Steam Leaderboards and the Heathen Engineering tool kit

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Steam leaderboards are persistent tables with automatically ordered entries. Leaderboards can be used to display global and friend boards in your game and on your community page. Each title can create up to 10,000 leaderboards, and each leaderboard can be retrieved immediately after a player's score has been uploaded.

There is no limit on the number of players a leaderboard supports. Each leaderboard entry contains a score (as an int) and optionally up to 64 ints of detail data stored as a simple array on the entry. The detailed data can be used to store game-specific information about the play session that resulted in the user's leaderboard entry. This data is not sorted or parsed by Steam and is replaced when a new leaderboard entry is created for the user. Attachments can be linked with the leaderboard via the UGC (User Generated Content) feature of Steam.

Leaderboards can be configured such that only a trusted web API call can set the value. This is strongly recommended if you have any concerns over the validity of leaderboard scores. When the leaderboard's write operation is configured as trusted only a server using the Steam Web API and a publisher token can upload scores to the board. If the board is not configured as a trusted write then anyone can upload any score to the board.

Use the Steam Web API to set trusted leaderboard scores


Quick Start

First, you need to create your achievements on the Steam Developer portal. https://partner.steamgames.com/

Log into your Steam Developer Portal and access your app's admin page. Look for the Technical Tools section and select the Edit Steamworks Settings option.

From there select the Stats & Achievements > Leaderboards option and create your new boards.

Make note of the value you use in the API Name field. You will use it when working with achievements in code.


You **MUST** publish your changes in the Steam Developer Portal before they will be accessible via Steam API. In the Steam Developer Portal when you have pending changes you will see a red banner at the top of the screen ... click it and follow the instructions.


Upload ignores my value

A common issue when your start is that it may appear that the leaderboard is ignoring the score you upload, or that it only takes scores in the opposite direction you intended.

For example, if you upload 10, then upload 11 it may ignore the 11 but if you upload 9 it will take the 9.


Steam Leaderboards are configured to sort scores in a particular direction and when you upload a score you are typically doing so as "Keep Best".

    (result, error) =>
            Debug.Log("Recorded: " + result.m_nScore +
                      "New Rank: " + result.m_nGlobalRankNew);

The "Keep Best" option tells Steam to only record the new value you present ** if ** that value is better than the previous value recorded. This is determined by the "sort order" you configured for the board in the Steam Portal.

How to Fix?

Assuming you have the board configured incorrectly simply update its configuration in the Steam portal and then publish the changes.

You MUST ALWAYS publish changes when making edits in the Steam Portal. It does not apply the moment you make the change in the portal it is a Perforce-based source control system that requires you to publish your changes.

If for some reason you find your board still acts like it's sorted the other way around, this is likely due to an issue seen a few times with Steam's backend services. Submit a support case letting Valve know that your board appears bugged and is not changing its sort direction as it should.

To work around the issue make a new board (with a new name) and set it up with the sort of direction you desire; do not delete the broken board โ€ฆ please โ€ฆ so Valve can review it.


Get Leaderboard

Assumes targetBoard is a LeaderboardObject or LeaderboardData


//Leaderboard Object will be "got" for you by the initialization process
//For Leaderboard Data we need as its a struct and not a reference we need
//To get its ID before we can use it

//Before we can use a leaderboard we need to get its ID ... not its API Name ... its ID
//The static function takes in the api name and a delegate to be called when the process is completed
//This is an asynchronous method ... a delegate is simply a pointer to a function
//You could give it a named function you defined in your class but far more commonly you use an anonymous function as we have here
LeaderboardData.Get(apiName, (data, ioError) =>