Creating an Item

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With Heathen's Steamworks Complete creating a new workshop item from your game can be done with a single call to our API. Understanding what data you need to send to this call is important and the cause of most issues experienced.

This is a simple struct we created that lets you gather up all of the inputs needed to create a new workshop item. You can find details on the Workshop Item Data object in its article. Here is a list of data you will need in order to create a Workshop Item Data object.

  • App ID This will nearly always be your game's App ID and is the ID of the app this item is made to work with. You can read this from our API easily via App.Client.Id.

  • Title The name you want to give to this item as a string. This must be less than 129 characters in length.

  • Description The description you want to give to this item as a string. This must be less than 8000 characters in length.

  • Content Folder This should be the full path to the content folder. Steam API will read and compress all of the contents of this folder so this folder path must be

    • A fully qualified as in the full and entire name of the folder from its root drive.

    • Accessible by the Steam Client e.g. not in a secure or hidden folder

    • Not empty ... must contain files that are to be uploaded to the item ... this should not include a zip file

    • Must not be a zip file, this must be a standard operating system folder

  • Preview Image File This should be the full path to the image file (PNG or JPG) that you would like use as the items main preview image. This file must meet these requirements

    • A fully qualified as in the full and entire name of the file path from its root drive.

    • Accessible by the Steam Client e.g. not secure or hidden

    • Less than 1mb in size

    • Less than the file size quota configured in the app's Steam Cloud Settings UGC (Workshop) uses Steam Cloud to upload images and files and so you must configure sufficient room for it in your app's cloud settings.

    • Of a valid type, JPG, PNG or GIF

In addition to the required fields you have a number of optional fields

  • Metadata This is string of up to 5000 characters and can be anything you like to include JSON data giving you more info about what this item is.

  • Preview Files A collection to image paths with the same requirements as the Preview Image File. These will be uploaded as additional images on the item and can be left null if none are wanted.

  • YouTube Video Ids A collection of YouTube video IDs e.g. "jHgZh4GV9G0" not the whole URL

  • Tags A collection of tags which must each be less than 255 characters in length. These are simple tags e.g. "Map", "Weapon", etc.

  • Key Value Tags Similar to tags this is a collection of "Key:Value" tags, the total length of key + value must be less than 255.

To create the item simply instantiate a new WorkshopItemData object

var itemData = new WorkshopItemData
    appId =