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public static class Ballistics

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using HeathenEngineering.UnityPhysics.API;

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This interface uses features derived from Forrest The Woods by Forrest Thomas Smith.

What can it do?

Used to solve for ballistic (parabolic) trajectory solutions such as throwing a ball, shooting a cannon, etc. The features of this API can be used to find the proper angle to aim at to hit a given target or to find the velocity to launch a projectile at to achieve a desired arc

Max Range

The first step is typically to determine if the target is within range at all. We can find the max range of a ballistic system with

public static float MaxRange(
    float speed, //Speed of the projectile
    float gravity, //The magnitude of gravity (9.8f typically)
    float height) // > 0 hight difference from target


The main feature of the Ballistics API is the Solution method which comes in several overloads to meet any need.

Each method has an equivalent 2D variant. for example

3D Solution is


2D Solution is


Simple Trajectory

public static int Solution(
    Vector3 projectile, //The starting position of the projectile
    float speed, //The forward speed of the projectile
    Vector3 target, //The target position to reach
    float gravity, //The magnitude of gravity (9.8f typically)
    out Quaternion lowAngel, // Solution 1
    out Quaternion highAngle) // Solution 2

This overload returns an int ranging from 0 to 2 representing the number of valid solutions found. If the value is greater than 1 then there is at least 1 valid solution.

The valid solutions found will be expressed as rotations for a low-angle and high-angle trajectory.

public static int Solution(
    Vector3 projectile, //The starting position of the projectile
    float speed, //The forward speed of the projectile
    Vector3 target, //The target position to reach
    VEctor3 targetVelocity, //Target's velocity
    float gravity, //The magnitude of gravity (9.8f typically)
    out Quaternion lowAngel, // Solution 1
    out Quaternion highAngle) // Solution 2

The same as the previous overload only this overload takes a targetVelocity and can be used to target a moving object.

Variable Trajectory

While the above solutions are simple we often want to tailor the visuals of a parabolic trajectory such that the angle is not to high or flat and that the projectile has a fixed linear speed as if fired strait at the target. This is the more common solution for simulating say a bow shot where the archer will optimize flight time and range for the target.

public static bool Solution(
    Vector3 projectile, //The starting position of the projectile
    float linearSpeed, //Speed of projectile over ground
    Vector3 target, //Target position to reach
    float arcCeiling, //Max height of the arc to fire on
    out Vector3 firingVelocity, //The speed the projectile should launch at
    out float gravity) //The magnitude of gravity that should be applied to it

As with the previous solution there is an overload for targeting a moving target

public static bool Solution(
    Vector3 projectile, //The starting position of the projectile
    float linearSpeed, //Speed of projectile over ground
    Vector3 target, //Target position to reach
    Vector3 targetVelocity, //Targets velocity
    float arcCeiling, //Max height of the arc to fire on
    out Vector3 firingVelocity, //The speed the projectile should launch at
    out float gravity, //The magnitude of gravity that should be applied to it
    out Vector3 impactPoint) //Perdicted impact point 

These overloads return a boolean indicating whether or not a solution was found. If a solution is found then the firingVelocity and gravity output parameters will be populated.

Fixed Time

On occasion its important for gameplay that the projectile reaches its target at a specific time so we can use the following overload to find the launch velocity. Launch velocity indicates the direction and speed of the launch.

public static Vector3 Solution(
    Vector3 projectile, //The starting position of the projectile
    Vector3 target, //The target to reach
    float gravity, //The magnitude of gravity (9.2 typically)
    float flightTime) //The desired flight time

This overload outputs a velocity vector. If you need to know the rotation the object should be on you can do

var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(solution) * Vector3.Forward;

Fixed Angle

Some use cases require that you launch the projectile from a given angle and so you need to know what "speed" to launch the projectile at.

public static bool Solution(
    Vector3 projectile, //The starting position of the projectile
    Vector3 target, //The target to reach
    float angle, //The launch angle to use
    float gravity, //The magnitude of gravity
    out float speed) //The required launch speed of the projectile


The raycast method can be used to trace a ballistic trajectory for a defined length and test for collision along the way. The resulting steps tested will be returned along with the final direction of the projection and any hit data found.

For 2D casts see Raycast2D

public static bool Raycast(
        Vector3 start, 
        Vector3 velocity, 
        Vector3 gravity, 
        float resolution, 
        float maxLength, 
        LayerMask collisionLayers, 
        out RaycastHit hit, 
        out List<(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, float time)> path, 
        out float distance)

This can be used to test for collision, draw trajectory arcs, plan for bounces, etc.

  • start The point at which the trajectory should start from

  • velocity The initial velocity of the projectile

  • gravity The gravity vector, you can read this from Unity via Physics.Gravity or provide your own

  • resolution The distance for each step of the traversal

  • maxLength the total length of the traversal before the process is stopped rather or not it reaches a collision point

  • collisionLayers The layers to check for collision on

  • hit If a hit occurs this will be populated with the data

  • pay A tuple defining each step along the path containing the position, velocity and total flight time up to this point

  • distance the total length of the path

SphereCast / CircleCast

Casts a ray marching a sphere or circle across the path. Works the same as the Raycast option but can account for the radius of the object which will pass along the path. This is the most common means to check the path of a projectile with a significant geometry such as a ball where as a bullet is often small enough that the faster Raycast method works fine.

public static bool SphereCast( //Or CircleCast for 2D
        Vector3 start, 
        Collider startCollider, 
        Vector3 velocity, 
        Vector3 gravity, 
        float radius, 
        float resolution, 
        float maxLength, 
        LayerMask collisionLayers, 
        out RaycastHit hit, 
        out List<(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, float time)> path, 
        out float distance)
  • start The position the trajectory will start from

  • startCollider This collider will be ignored for the first radius distance of the traverse and helps to avoid self-collision on secondary bounces. This is optional and can be null

  • velocity The initial velocity of the projectile

  • gravity The gravity vector to apply you can read this from Physics.Gravity or Physics2D.Gravity or provide your own

  • radius The radius of the sphere or circle to be cast

  • resolution The distance between each step of the traverse

  • collisionLayers The layers to check for collision on

  • hit If a hit occurs this will be populated with the data

  • pay A tuple defining each step along the path containing the position, velocity and total flight time up to this point

  • distance the total length of the path

Flight Time

Estimating flight time can be done with the projectile velocity, the height difference it must travel from start to end and the effect of gravity.

Note that this is an estimate assuming the projectile will travel the full length of a typical trajectory.

public static float FlightTime(
        Vector3 start, 
        Vector3 end, 
        Vector3 velocity, 
        Vector3 gravity)

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