Ballistic Path Follow
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Used with the Trick Shot component and available in both 2D and 3D Physics versions this allows a projectile to reliably follow a pre-planned ballistics path and still remain physically simulated in that it can optionally trigger OnEnterCollision for planned bounces, it can react to unexpected collisions and it can validate bounces as well as resume dynamic physics calculations at the end of the path.
For 3D
For 2D
This is invoked when the path ends no matter how it ends. The handler would look like
For 3D
For 2D
Fields and Attributes
For 3D
For 2D
Defines the nature of the projectile
For 3D
For 2D
The assigned path for this projectile
If true then when the path ends for any reason the connected Rigidbody will be set to non-kinematic aka dynamic and primed with the final velocity.
If true each impact will be retested to insure the same collider is present, no changes will be made to the trajectory unless a different collider or no collider is found in which case the traverse will be ended.
For 3D
For 2D
If true then the system will simulate the OnCollisionEnter (or OnCollisionEnter2D where needed) Unity message for each impact as they occur.
Only applicable for 2D paths
If true this will attempt to emulate the Collision2D data passed into the OnCollisionEnter method. Note that Unity works very hard to make this as difficult as possible and does not intend for anyone to do this. We recommend you do not simulate Collision2D where OnCollisionEnter should be sufficient.
What layers should validation and or dynamic collision be tested on.
Should the system check for unplanned collisions while traversing the path