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Achievement Data

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using HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration;
public struct AchievementData : IEquatable<AchievementData>, 

A data wrapper around Steam's concept of an Achievement. This is implicitly convertible from string expecting that string to be the "API Name" of the achievement.

AchievementData myAch = "ACH_WIN_100_GAMES";
myAch.IsAchievd = true;

Achievements are a common feature of Steam API and one of the simpler to implement. They are typically used to mark milestones or key accomplishments of the player, you can learn more in our Steam Guides.

Fields and Attributes


public string Name => get;

Returns the display name of this achievement if defined.


public string Description => get;

The description of this achievement if defined.


public bool Hidden => get;

Returns the display attribute "hidden" for this achievement.


public bool IsAchieved { get; set; }

Is the achievement "unlocked" ... this can only be set if the achievement is set to allow client write. If set to GS or Trusted write only then the attempt to set it will be ignored.


public DateTime? UnlockTime => get;

The time this achievement was achieved... if any, this can be null


public float GlobalPercent => get;

The percentage of users who have unlocked this achievement



public void Unlock()

The same as assigning true to the IsAcheived field.

public void Unlock(UserData user)

Only used on servers, this can be used to unlock the achievement for a specific user.


public void ClearAchievement()

The same as assigning false to the IsAcheived field.

public void ClearAchievement(UserData user)

Only used on servers, this can be used to clear / lock the achievement for a specific user.


public bool GetAchievementStatus(UserData user)

Gets the status (locked/unlocked) for the given user. This is only used on server builds.


public (bool unlocked, DateTime unlockTime) GetAchievementAndUnlockTime(UserData user)

Gets the unlock status and the time the user unlocked it if any. This is only used on server builds.

This uses a tuple which is a standard feature of C#, you can learn more about it here


public void GetIcon(Action<Texture2D> callback)

Returns the icond for the user based on the user's current state. That is if the user has this achievement unlocked then the unlocked image will be returned, else if not the locked image will be returned.


public void Store()

A simple short cut to the Stats and Achievements Store Stats and achievements. You can call this on any achievement or stat and it will commit all changes to the backend for all stats and achievements.

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