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Used by the interface to represent an active authentication ticket
A delegate to be invoked when the ticket is ready for use.
Example handler
Indicates this ticket is being managed by a client or server
The authentication handle associated with this ticket
The ticket data of this ticket is what should be sent to whoever it is that will be calling BeginSession for this ticket.
Has this ticket been verified, this gets set to true when the Get Authentication Session response comes back from the Valve's backend.
The Steamworks DateTime this ticket was created ... this is Linux Epoc time e.g. the number of seconds since Jan 1 1970. In general, you do not need to bother with this we use it to calculate the ticket age for you in the Age field.
The result of the ticket
The above: constructs a new ticket given a particular identity. The identity should be the User or Game Server that this ticket will be used by. Note that a lobby is not a server.
The above: constructs a new ticket given existing ticket data
The above: constructs a new ticket for a web identity, this string can be empty and is defined by the web service that will be using the ticket.
Cancels this ticket