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Item Data

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using HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration;
public struct ItemData : IEquatable<ItemData>, 

Provides easy access to detailed item information without needing a ScriptableObject. The ItemData structure can be implicitly converted from an int or item def meaning that if you know the ID of the item you want to work with you can get it without needing to look anything up.


//Let's assume you have an item who's ID is 100 and want to know how many the player
//owned of that item
ItemData myItem = 100;
Debug.Log($"Player owns {myItem.GetTotalQuantity()}");

This of course assumes you have "Updated" the inventory at some point previously which can also be done using this structure.

//This will ask Valve's Steam API to fetch all information about the player's 
//inventory items

The HandleResult is an Action<InventoryResult> callback that will invoke when the process is complete and will provide you with detailed information on all the item instances found. Once that completes you can use the ItemData structure to work with your items.

Fields and Attributes


The id of this item

public int id;


Will return the scriptable object related to this item if any is known. This only has a value if you are using SteamSettings and have configured InventoryObjects.

public ItemDefinitionObject ScriptableObject;


Gets the name of this item as it appears on the Steam store for this user.

public string Name => get;

Has Price

True if this item has a price recorded on the Steam store available to this user. This will only work after Request Prices has been called at least once.

public bool HasPrice => get;

You can request prices using the ItemData as well


For more information see the RequestPrice method listed below.

Currency Code

Get the currency code used by this user

public static Currency.Code CurrencyCode => get;

Currency Symbol

Gets the typical symbol used for the local user's currency e.g. $, €, £, etc.

public static string CurrencySymbol => get;

Current Price

Gets the current price displayed to this user as a base 100 ... for example 199 would be €1.99 assuming the user is using Euro.

public ulong CurrentPrice => get;

Base Price

Gets the base price of this item in the user's currency type, this is a base 100 ... for example 199 would be €1.99 assuming the user is using Euro.

public ulong BasePrice => get;


Get Details

Returns a collection of ItemDetail which defines each "instance" of this item owned by this user.

Steam Inventory works with "item instances" you can think of an "instance" as being a stack or a "slot" in the inventory. Some item type can be stacked and so each "instance" may have a quantity from 0 to many. Thus the count of ItemDetails the user has does not necessarily equate to the "quantity" the user owns.

public List<ItemDetail> GetDetails()

Get Total Quantity

Returns the total number of this item that the user owns, that is this sums the "quantity" of every "instance" of this item the user owns.

public long GetTotalQuantity()

Add Promo Item

Grants this item to this user ... IF ... the item is a configured promotional item and the user qualifies for this promotion according to the rules you defined on the item definition.

public bool AddPromoItem(Action<InventoryResult> callback)

The callback should be a method of the form

void HandleCallback(InventoryResult result)
    //Do Work

Get Consume Orders

Calculates a consume order that will consume the indicated number of this item ... if at all possible. This is meant to be used with the Consume method.

public ConsumeOrder[] GetConsumeOrders(uint quantity)


Consume 1 or more of this item, consume destroys the item and cannot be undone.

public bool Consume(Action<InventoryResult> callback)


public void Consume(ConsumeOrder order, Action<InventoryResult> callback)


public void Consume(uint quantity, Action<InventoryResult> callback)

The first option assumes you wish to consume 1 item and does not require you to create any orders first.

The second option should be used with GetConsumeOrders.

The final and third option will get consume orders for you based on the input quantity and process them in a background thread.

Get Exchange Entry

This gets a collection of ExchangeEntry collections for a specified quantity of this item. This is meant to be used with the Exchange method.

public bool GetExchangeEntry(uint quantity, out ExchangeEntry[] entries)

For example if you wanted to exchange 10 of itemA for 1 of itemB.

//Lets assume itemA has an ID of 101
ItemData itemA = 101;
//And itemB has an ID of 100
ItemData itemB = 100;

//First we see if the user owns 10 or more of itemA
if(itemA.GetExchangeEntry(10, out ExchangeEntry[] entries))
    //They do, so now we can exchange them for itemB
    itemB.Exchange(entries, HandleResult);
    //We come here if the user doesn't own enough

The HandleResult method would look like such.

void HandleResult(InventoryResult result)
    //Do Work


Exchanges a collection of ExchangeEntry objects for 1 of this item type. This can be used to handle exchanging a loot box for the items inside, for crafting such as exchanging reagents for a crafted item, etc.

public void Exchange(IEnumerable<ExchangeEntry> recipeEntries, Action<InventoryResult> callback)

See the Get Exchange Entry method for an example of the usage.

Generate Item

This generates a new item of this type in the users inventory.

public void GenerateItem(Action<InventoryResult> callback)


public void GenerateItem(uint quantity, Action<InventoryResult> callback)

Start Purchase

If this item is valid for purchase this will add the item to the user's cart and open the cart in the Steam overlay so they can continue the purchase process.

public void StartPurchase(Action<SteamInventoryStartPurchaseResult_t, bool> callback)


public void StartPurchase(uint count, Action<SteamInventoryStartPurchaseResult_t, bool> callback)

Get Price

Gets the current and base price as seen by the user. The values are returned in base 100 so a value of 199 would be €1.99 assuming a local currency of Euro.

public void GetPrice(out ulong currentPrice, out ulong basePrice);

Trigger Drop

If this item is configured as a "Play Time Generator" this will cause Valve's Steam to test the rules and timers and if available generate an item for the player.

public void TriggerDrop(Action<InventoryResult> callback)

Current Price String

Gets the formatted price string of this item ... assuming it has a price and that the prices have already been requested from Valve's Steam API.

This does account for the user's cultural formatting and currency code for example €1.99 would be used in Ireland while €1,99 would be used many other regions of Europe.

public string CurrentPriceString()

Base Price String

Gets the formatted price string of this item from the base price ... assuming it has a price and that the prices have already been requested from Valve's Steam API.

This does account for the user's cultural formatting and currency code for example €1.99 would be used in Ireland while €1,99 would be used many other regions of Europe.

public string BasePriceString()

Request Prices

Used to request prices from Valve's Steam API, this only needs to be called once and would usually be called in your bootstrap shortly after updating all items and of course after the Steam API had been initialized.

public static void RequestPrices(Action<SteamInventoryRequestPricesResult_t, bool> callback)


Requests all inventory items from the Steam API and updates all item details based on the user's inventory. This should be called when you need to know the item states have all been updated recently such as just before opening an Inventory UI or similar.

public static void Update(Action<InventoryResult> callback)


A set of simple helpers that will return the ItemData object related to the input you provide

public static ItemData Get(int id)


public static ItemData Get(SteamItemDef_t id)


public static ItemData Get(ItemDefinitionObject item)

How To

Exchange Items

To exchange items we need to gather the instances of the reagents we want to exchange and pass them into the item wish to exchange for.

The following assumes 2 of each reagentA and reagentB are required to exchange/craft for itemA.

//Track our status, if we don't have enough of something this will be true
bool isf = false;

//If we have enough of A get the entries
if (!reagentA.GetExchangeEntry(2, out var entriesA))
    isf = true;
//If we have enough of B get the entries
if (!reagentB.GetExchangeEntry(2,out var entriesB))
    isf = true;
//If we have enough of A and B exchange them for itemA
    //Make a new list to merge the entries from A and B with
    var recipe = new List<ExchangeEntry>(reagentA);
    //Exchange the merged entries and check the results
    itemA.Exchange(recipe, results =>
        if (results.result == EResult.k_EResultOK)
            Debug.Log("Exchange completed without error");
            Debug.LogError($"Exchange completed with error: {results.result}");

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