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Workshop Item

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Returned by UGC Query and related tools and represents the data of a UGC Item aka Workshop Item.

public class WorkshopItem

Fields and Attributes


public string Title => get;

The title of the item


public string Description => get;

The description of the item

Consumer App

public AppData ConsumerApp => get;

The app this item is meant to be used by


public PublishedFileId_t FileId => get;

The Steam native ID for this item's "file"


public UserData Owner => get;

The user that "owns" this item, typically the "author"

Time Created

public DateTime TimeCreated => get;

The time stamp this item was created on

Time Updated

public DateTime TimeUpdated => get;

The time stamp of this item's last update

Up Votes

public uint UpVotes => get;

The current number of up votes this item has

Down Votes

public uint DownVotes => get;

The current number of down votes this item has

Vote Score

public float VoteScore => get;

The vote score applied to this item

Is Banned

public bool IsBanned => get;

Has this item been banned

Is Tags Truncated

public bool IsTagsTruncated => get;

Is the tags list on this item truncated for length

Is Subscribed

public bool IsSubscribed => get;

Is the local user subscribed to this item

Is Needs Update

public bool IsNeedsUpdate => get;

Does this item need to be updated

Is Installed

public bool IsInstalled => get;

Is this item currently installed

Is Downloading

public bool IsDownloading => get;

is this item currently downloading

Is Download Pending

public bool IsDownloadPending =-> get;

Is this item pending download


public float DownloadCompletion => get;

If this item is downloading how far along is it

File Size

public int FileSize => get;

The "file size" as reported by Valve for this item

Folder Path

public DirectoryInfo FolderPath => get;

The directory where this items content is located

State Flags

public EItemState StateFlags => get;

The state flags associated with this item, see Valve's Steam API documentation for more details.


public ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility Visibility => get;

The visibility status of the item, see Valve's Steam API documentation for more details.


public string[] Tags => get;

The array of tags if any, this causes a new array to be created each time its read so cash the value and work with the cash where needed.

Preview Image

public Texture2D previewImage;

The main preview image if known

Preview Image Location

public string previewImageLocation;

The location of the preview image's file if known

Source Item Details

public SteamUGCDetails_t SourceItemDetails => get;

The Steam native details item


public string metadata;

The metadata for the item if any and if included in the reading query

Key Value Tags

public StringKeyValuePair[] keyValueTags;

The key value tags associated with the item if any and if known


Preview Image Updated

public UnityEvent previewImageUpdated;

A standard UnityEvent which is invoked when/if the items preview image is updated and reported from Steam or when the file is loaded from disk if known. This can be used to trigger an update of display of the item preview image.



WorkshopItem objects are "get" by query, the Get methods are static methods that help you create a UgcQuery to fetch specific items. This is just a shortcut to the UgcQuery get methods, see UgcQuery documentation for more details.

Download Preview Image

Starts the download of the preview image

public void DownloadPreviewImage()

Download Item

public bool DownloadItem(bool highPriority)

Typically Steam will download the item when it's convenient to do so and won't usually download while a game is running. High Priority flag simply indicates that Steam should download the item as soon as it can.


public void Subscribe(Action<RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t, bool> callback)

Causes the item to be marked as subscribed, the callback indicates the results

void Callback(RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work


public void Unsubscribe(Action<RemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult_t, bool> callback)

Causes the item to be marked as unsubscribed, the callback indicates the results

void Callback(RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Set Vote

public void SetVote(bool voteUp, Action<SetUserItemVoteResult_t, bool> callback)

Sets the user's vote for this item, the callback indicates the results

void Callback(SetUserItemVoteResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Update Methods

If the local user is the owner of the item they can modify the items values, the following methods are only applicable to the item's owners and will not work as intended for any other user.

Update Title

public void UpdateTitle(string value, 
                        string changeNote, 
                        Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

Use to update the item's title, the callback will indicate the results of the operation, the bool indicates error, for example:

void Callback(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Update Title has a single overload where you can indicate the language associated with the title.

public void UpdateTitle(string value, 
                        LanguageCodes language, 
                        string changeNote, 
                        Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

Update Description

public void UpdateDescription(string value, 
                        string changeNote, 
                        Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

Use to update the item's description, the callback will indicate the results of the operation, the bool indicates error, for example:

void Callback(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Update Description has a single overload where you can indicate the language associated with the title.

public void UpdateDescription(string value, 
                        LanguageCodes language, 
                        string changeNote, 
                        Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

Update Content

This can be used to update the preview image or the contents of the items folder

//For content folder
public void UpdateContent(DirectoryInfo value, 
                          string changeNote, 
                          Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)
//For preview image
public void UpdateContent(FileInfo value, 
                          string changeNote, 
                          Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

The callback will indicate the results or error if any

void Callback(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Update Metadata

Update the metadata linked to the object

public void UpdateMetadata(string value, 
                           string changeNote, 
                           Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

The callback will indicate the results or error if any

void Callback(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Update Tags

Update the tags linked to the object

public void UpdateTags(string[] value, 
                       string changeNote, 
                       Action<SubmitItemUpdateResult_t, bool> callback)

The callback will indicate the results or error if any

void Callback(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Delete Item

Requests the delet of this item

public void DeleteItem(Action<DeleteItemResult_t, bool> callback)

The callback will indicate the results or error if any

void Callback(DeleteItemResult_t results, bool ioError)
    //Do Work

Last updated