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Clan Chat Member Counter

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Maintains a display of the number of users in a clan chat.

namespace HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration.UI
public class ClanChatMemberCounter : MonoBehaviour

Fields and Attributes

Clan Id

Can only be set in the Unity Editor

The ID of the clan to monitor

private ulong clanId;


Can only be set in the Unity Editor

The prefix to assign to the text label before the number of users

internal string prefix;


Can only be set in the Unity Editor

The suffix to assign to the text label after the number of users

internal string suffix;


Exposes the ClanData that this object is linked to and can be assigned to update which clan is monitored

public ClanData Clan { get; set; }



Apply the clan, this is done for you when you assign the Clan field

public void Apply(ClanData clan)


Refresh the value, this updates the text label, this is in general called for you

public void Refresh()

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