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Clan Chat Member List

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Displays a list of the members that are in a specific clan chat.

namespace HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration.UI
public class ClanChatMemberList : MonoBehaviour

Fields and Attributes

Clan Id

Only assignable in the Unity Editor, this is the ID of the clan you would like to display members for

private ulong clanId;


The root where the UI elements representing each user will be spawned

private Transform content;


The template that will be spawned for each member found in the list, this should have a component on it that implements the IUserProfile interface

private GameObject template;


The Clan Data object for the linked clan

public ClanData Clan { get; set; )



Set the clan this object is tracking

public void Apply(ClanData clan)


Refresh the display of records

public void Refresh()

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