Friend Groups Display
Funcitonaly similar to Steam Client's Friends List
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This control component is focused on emulation of Steam's own Friend List. It will read for and sort the local player's friends into the same list structure see in Steam Client's Friend List i.e. Playing, Online, Offline, any custom groups the player may have, etc.
This can be useful when you want a quick and easy UI element that the player is likely already familiar with.
Inspector Fields
In Game Collection
This is a Transform which will be the root of all friends that are currently in or playing the current game.
In Other Game Collection
This is a Transform which will be the root of all friends that are currently in or playing some other game.
Grouped Collection
This is a Transform which will be the root of any custom groups the player may have defined.
Online Collection
This is a Transform which will be the root of all friends that are currently online.
Offline Collection
This is a Transform which will be the root of all friends that are currently offline.
Group Prefab
This is a template or prefab that will be instantiated for each group found. i.e. Online, Offline, etc.
This GameObject must implement the FriendGroup component.
This simply destroys all loaded groups and profiles clearing the display. This is always called when the component is disabled.
This simply rebuilds the display from scratch, that is it will first clear then re-construct the display insuring all elements are UpToDate. This is always called when the component is enabled.
Last updated