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Friend Invite Dropdown

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Displays a list of the clans the user sees e.g. is a member of or otherwise has a relationship with.

namespace HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration.UI
public class FriendInviteDropDown : MonoBehaviour



A User Data event that will be invioked when the "invite" button is pressed for a specific friend. The event will indicate for what friend the button was pressed

public UserDataEvent Invited;

The handler for this event would take the form of

void Handler(UserData user)
    //Do Work

Fields and Attributes


A set of flags that indicate what friends should be included in the list

public FilterOptions filter;

This uses an internal struct

public struct FilterOptions
    public bool inThisGame;
    public bool inOtherGame;
    public bool busy;
    public bool away;
    public bool snooze;
  • In This Game Should friends that are playing the current game be displayed

  • In Other Game Should friends that are playing some other game be displayed

  • Busy Should friends with a persona state of busy be displayed

  • Away Should friends with a persona state of away be displayed

  • Snooze Should friends with a persona state of snooze be displayed



Expands the drop down and displays the list of friends that match the filter

public void Show()

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