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Image Field

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A sub struct used by the built in FriendProfile to define the settings for image fields on that control. The ImageField struct simply provides a pointer to an image to be used a flag to enable or disable the use of coloring options and the values for the color options to be used.

public struct FriendProfile.ImageField

Fields and Attributes


public Image image

A reference to the image to be used


public bool useStatusColors

A boolean indicating rather or not the system should apply colouring to the image based on status.


public Color inThisGame

The color to be applied to the image when the related user is found to be playing the same App ID as the App ID for this instance of Steam API.


public Color inOtherGame

The color to be applied to the image when the related user is found to be in an App other than the App for this instance of Steam API.


public Color isOnlineActive

The color to be applied to the image when the related user is not in a game/app but is online and is active.


public Color isOnlineInactive

The color to be applied to the image when the related user is not in a game/app but is online and is not active.


public Color isOffline

The color to be applied to the image when the related user is not online at all.



public void SetValue(bool inGame, bool inThisGame, EPersonaState state)

Called when setting the value of the image and provides information about the related user.

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