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Leaderboard Entry UI Record

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A simple implementation of the ILeaderboardEntryDisplay interface.

namespace HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration.UI
public class LeaderboardEntryUIRecord : MonoBehaviour,

Fields and Attributes


public SetUserAvatar avatar;

A SetUserAvatar reference which will be used to display this record's owner's avatar.

User Name

public TMProSetUserName userName;

A TMProSetUserName reference which will be used to display this record's owner's name.


public TextMeshProUGUI score;

A TextMesh Pro label reference that will be used to display the record's owner's score.


public TextMeshProUGUI rank;

A TextMesh Pro label reference that will be used to display the record's owner's rank.


public LeaderboardEntry Entry { get; set; }

From the ILeaderboardEntryDisplay interface and is used by the Leaderboard UI List to set the entry that this object will represent and thus updating all the UI elements.

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