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Workshop Browser Simple Item Record

Like what your seeing?


Displays a list of the clans the user sees e.g. is a member of or otherwise has a relationship with.

namespace HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration.UI
public class WorkshopBrowserSimpleItemRecord : MonoBehaviour, 

Fields and Attributes

Preview Image

public RawImage previewImage;

Display for the primary preview image of the item

Title Label

public TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI titleLabel;

Display for the item's title

Author Label

public TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI authorLabel;

Display for the name of the author if known

Vote Fill Image

public Image voteFillImage;

A simple image that will be set to fill, when the item is loaded its vote ratio will be used to fill this image. This can be used to display the number of stars by creating an image with 5 starts in a row spaced tip to tip over the width of the image. If set to fill from left to right then a ratio of 0.8 would be presented as 4 of the 5 stars filled.

Tip Title Label

public TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI tipTitleLabel;

This is the header or "title" of the tooltip window that will show when the user mouses over this item.

Tip Description Label

public TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI tipDescriptionLabel;

This is the body of text that will appear in the tooltip window when the user mouses over this item.


public WorkshopItem Item { get; set; }

Used to apply the WorkshopItem this entry will represent or read which item was applied.



public void Load(WorkshopItem item)

sets the item this entry represents

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