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🔵Send Lobby Chat

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Broadcasts a chat (text or binary data) message to the all of the users in the lobby. All users in the lobby (including the local user) will receive a Lobby Chat Msg callback with the message. If you're sending binary data, you should prefix a header to the message so that you know to treat it as your custom data rather than a plain old text message. For communication that needs to be arbitrated (for example having a user pick from a set of characters, and making sure only one user has picked a character), you can use the lobby owner as the decision maker. Get Lobby Owner to return the current lobby owner. There is guaranteed to always be one and only one lobby member who is the owner. So for the choose-a-character scenario, the user who is picking a character would send the binary message 'I want to be Zoe', the lobby owner would see that message, see if it was OK, and broadcast the appropriate result (user X is Zoe). These messages are sent via the Steam back-end, and so the bandwidth available is limited. For higher-volume traffic like voice or game data, you'll want to use the Steam Networking API.

Lobby Id

The Steam ID of the lobby to send the chat message to.

Data / Message

Up to 4 kilobytes of text or byte data


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