🔵Set Lobby Game Server
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Sets the game server associated with the lobby.
This can only be set by the owner of the lobby.
Either the IP/Port or the Steam ID of the game server must be valid, depending on how you want the clients to be able to connect.
This will raise the Lobby Game Created callback for all members. Once this has been set any new members can read the data by using Get Lobby Game Server.
You have 4 ways you can set this data depending on what kind of information you want to store and for what use.
For example in a traditional Peer-to-Peer set up aka "Listen Server" the lobby owner is the "host" aka server and so we do not need any info thus the Set Lobby Listen Server
doesn't require any input other than the server to set it on.
In a multiplex dedicated server, you may want to support Steam ID, as well as IP:Port and so the Set Lobby Dedicated Server - ID and IP Address
is the option you want. In all cases these will all cause the same event to be raised for the members of the lobby.

Last updated