Transfer Item Quantity
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This can be used to stack, split, and move items. The source and destination items must have the same itemdef id. To move items onto a destination stack specify the source, the quantity to move, and the destination item id. To split an existing stack, pass 0 into the Destination Instance ID. A new item stack will be generated with the requested quantity.
Heathen provides two options when working with this endpoint.
Our Simple variant will save you a lot of effort by handling the result-ready event for you, processing any requested properties and handing you a completed collection of item details when it's all done.
With the simple method, you should provide the item you wish to add as well as any properties you would like us to read from the resulting item. In most cases you won't need additional properties read however if your items have generators on them that create custom properties on creation then you may want to have us read those for you
Source Instance Id
The source item to transfer.
The quantity of the item that will be transferred
Destination Instance Id
The destination item. You can pass 0 here to have it create a new instance e.g. a new stack.
Callback (input)
The callback is an event that will contain the UEResult of the request and an array of Item Detail With Properties
Note that we never return the result handle to you, we track this handle, process the items, read the requested properties and destroy the handle for you returning to you the resulting data in an array.
The native Steam API works by issuing the request and returning an Item Request Handle when the request is filled Steam will execute the Result Ready callback. You must then read the details, properties and other aspects you desire from the result and then destroy the result handle.
Item Def (input)
The definition ID of the item to grant the player.
To get the handle you make your request, and check if the request was successful, if so store that request ... you'll need the handle from it later. This will prompt Steam to execute the Result Ready event when the results have been read.
When the Result Ready is executed you will need to check if it matches your result handle, fetch the items contained in that result, and for each item fetch whatever additional properties you may need.
Importantly when you are done reading the data returned by that result you need to destroy the handle.
Last updated