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🔵Update User Avg Rate Stat

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Updates an AVGRATE stat with new values for the specified user.

You must have called Request User Stats and it needs to return successfully via its callback before calling this!

This call only modifies Steam's in-memory state and is very cheap. To submit the stats to the server you must call Store User Stats.

This will work only on achievements that game servers are allowed to set. If the "Set By" field for this achievement is "Official GS" then only game servers that have been declared as officially controlled by you will be able to set it. To do this you must set the IP range of your official servers in the Dedicated Servers section of App Admin.


The Steam ID of the user to update the AVGRATE stat.

API Name

The API Name of the stat


The value accumulation since the last call to this function


The amount of applicable time in seconds since the last call to this function

Return Value

True if successful


Last updated