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Inventory Item

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Steam Inventory is a broad concept that helps you achieve a lot of very different design and mechanical requirements for your game. Its Steam Inventory would be used for microtransactions, loot boxes, player trading/community marketplace and secure consumables and crafting as well as for promotional items.

We have created a number of tools to help you represent your item types in your game project and to help you manage a view of your player's "inventory" that is to manage how much/many of what items they do or don't own and how they work with them.

You would start the process by defining your items in Steamworks Developer Portal and then for the items you will want/need to work with in game you can create an InventoryItemDataAsset Instance for each.

With your items created you can reference them in your Steam Game Instance and we can help you maintain a view of the "Item Details" ... item details are how Steam expresses instances of this item the player owns, how they are stacked and how many are in each stack.


Create a new Data Asset Instance of type InventoryItemDataAsset


Set the ID that you gave this item definition when you uploaded it to Steamworks Developer Portal.

You can ignore the "Details" property for now, Details are set at run time as data is queried from Steam.

Steam Game Instance

In your Steam Game Instance Blueprint, you will want to add each of your items to the Inventory Items array.

Doing so allows our systems to update the Inventory Item Details of this data asset for you any time you use the "Simple" versions of inventory requests such as Get All Items - Simple

Manual Detail Updates

Prefer to use manual operations against Steam Inventory?

We have you covered, the Steam Game Instance includes methods for clearing details and updating them based on results received from manual reads of an Inventory Result Handle.


To use an Item in your Blueprints you can simply create a variable of type InventoryItemDataAsset and set its default value to be the desired instance.

You can now use the variable to work with this item type however you choose.

Last updated