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An extension of the standard UImage widget with two new functions to help display a Steam Avatar image for the local player or a specified user.
Show My Avatar

This works with the Get My Steam Avatar method to handle loading the local user's avatar image for you and assigning it to the Image for display.
Show User Avatar

This works with the Get User Steam Avatar method to handle loading a target user's avatar image for you and assigning it to the image for the display.

The process assumes you have added a BP_SteamAvatarImage to your UI. We then get the Steam Avatar Image from your UI and use that as the target input for the Show My Avatar function call.
To set the avatar for another user the process is the same with the addition of needing to get the desired user's ID. There are many places where you might get a user's ID and want to display their avatar such as the members of a lobby you are in, your friend list, the users on a server, the entries in a leaderboard or even the other player's on a Steam Game Server.
Last updated