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Input Action Data

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using HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration;
public struct InputActionData

Represents the current state of an input action and is returned by the InputAction and InputControllerData objects. Its not typical that you would create this your self. The most common use case is to use the GetActionData() method of the InputAction object in Unity or to use the API.Input class to get the action data of a specific controller.

Fields and Attributes


The name of the action the data relates to

public string name;


The type of action the data relates to

public InputActionType type;


The handle for the controller this action data relates to

public InputHandle_t controller;


Is the action active or not

public bool active;


The type of input source this action reported

public EInputSourceMode mode;


The current state of the action at the time this data was generated

public bool state;


The x axis value of this input

public float x;


The y axis value of this input

public float y;

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