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Friend List

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A simple linear list of friends, you can specify via the filter value what types of friends this list should populate. This will update its list when there is an update to persona data detected by Steam client. This means most state changes for a player's friends and followed users will be automatically detected and updated adjusting the list as required.

Fields and Attributes

Include Followed

Should the tool include the users that you follow


Describes the types of friends that should be included in this list options include

  • All Simply lists all friends

  • InThisGame Lists friends that are playing this game

  • InOtherGame Lists friends that are playing a game but not this one

  • InAnyGame Lists friends that are playing any sort of game

  • NotInThisGame Lists all friends other than those playing this game

  • NotInGame List all friends that are not currently playing a game

  • AnyOnline List all friends that are online

  • AnyOffline List all friends that are offline

  • Away List all online friends that are marked as away

  • Buisy List all online friends that are marked as buisy

  • Followed List the subset of friends that the local user follows, these may not be "friends" in the since that they may not have accepted a friend invite but are being followed by this player.


The transform where instantiated records will be parented to

Record Template

This is a GameObject reference to a template or prefab. The Game Object must have a component on it that implements the IUserProfile interface.



Clear the list

public void Clear()

Update Display

Update the list display

public void UpdateDisplay()

Match Filter

Check the user to determin if it matches the filter configured for this list

public bool MatchFilter(UserData friend)

Last updated