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🔵Request Store Auth URL

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Requests a URL which authenticates an in-game browser for store check-out, and then redirects to the specified URL.

As long as the in-game browser accepts and handles session cookies, Steam microtransaction checkout pages will automatically recognize the user instead of presenting a login page.

The URL has a very short lifetime to prevent history-snooping attacks, so you should only call this API when you are about to launch the browser, or else immediately navigate to the resulting URL using a hidden browser window.

The resulting authorization cookie has an expiration time of one day, so it would be a good idea to request and visit a new auth URL every 12 hours.

Return Value

true if the Steam client currently has a live connection to the Steam servers; otherwise, false if there is no active connection due to either a networking issue on the local machine, or the Steam server is down/busy.


Last updated