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This example blueprint is used with the BP_FriendsListDisplay to emulate the Steam Friends List look. It represents a "friend group" being a collection of friends organized either by tag or status.

The above image shows 2 such groups "Family" and "Online". This widget does not concern itself with sorting the users but rather expects you to provide it with a list of user IDs to display and a name to show in the header. For example "Family" and then the 3 IDs for Jodi, Maya and Kahlin.


The widget has a custom event "Show Users" which when run will set the group name and iterate over the provided IDs

As we iterate over the provided IDs we create a new widget of type BP_FriendsListEntry and pass it a specific User ID from the input array adding it to our Content Root which is a simple panel.

Clear Children

To simplify clean up we did create a custom Clear Children function that does nothing more than clear the child widgets from our content root making it easy for a parent widget to trigger that process.

Last updated