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Leaderboard Object

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public class LeaderboardObject : ScriptableObject

Represents a Steam Leaderboard and is used by the Steam Settings object to initalize the Leaderboard system. This is a wrapper around the LeaderboardData object making it a referenceable Unity object.

You create leaderboard objects through thee Steam Settings object by clicking the + New button in the leaderboards list.

From the Steam Settings you can mark the leaderboard as create if missing by ticking the toggle to the left of the name.

You can specify the number of detail entries the board should handle by entering a number in the Details field

Each board can handle up to 64 details and no more than that

If your marking your board as Create if Missing e.g. you have ticked the box as indicated above then you should also set the display type and sorting order by selecting the leaderboard in your Steam Settings and editing its values.

None is an available but invalid option for both settings

Why even show it if its invalid, ask Valve, its part of the enums they provide so we expose it.


User Entry Updated

public UnityLeaderboardRankUpdateEvent UserEntryUpdated

Invoked when the local user's entry in this board is updated, the handler for this event should take the form of.

void HandleEvent(LeaderboardEntry userEntry)
    //Do Work

Fields and Attributes

Create If Missing

public bool createIfMissing;

If true then when the system loads it will search for this board and if not found it will create a new board with settings matching it.

Sort Method

public ELeaderboardSortMethod sortMethod;

Defines the ELeaderboardSortMethod to be used **if** this board is created new

Display Type

public ELeaderboardDisplayType displayType;

Defines the ELeaderboardDisplayType to be used **if** this board is created new

API Name

public string apiName;

The API name of the board

Display Name

public string DisplayName => get;

The community display name of the board if any, this is only reinvent for boards created in the Steam Developer Portal and that have been assigned a community name.

Max Detail Entries

public int maxDetailEntries;

How many detail entries should be allowed on entries from this board, this is used by quires and doesn't prevent you from adding more or fewer. It is only a hint used by query tools to know how many to watch for.


public LeaderboardData data;

The underlying LeaderboardData object, this is what does all the actual work.


public bool Valid => get;

True if the board's ID is valid, false otherwise.

Entry Count

public int EntryCount => get;

Returns the number of records found for this board.


Get User Entry

public void GetUserEntry(int maxDetailEntries, Action<LeaderboardEntry, bool> callback)

Queries for the local user's entry on this board and invokes the callback when and if found.

  • maxDetailEntries This indicates how many if any detail entries should be read for each entry on the board. To understand detail entries better please read the article on Steam Leaderboards.

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

The callback should take the form of

void HandleCallback(LeaderboardEntry result, bool IOError)
    //Do Work

Get Top Entries

public void GetTopEntries(int count, 
                int maxDetailEntries, 
                Action<LeaderboardEntry[], bool> callback)

Queries the leaderboard for the top number of entries.

  • count How many top records should be read

  • maxDetailEntries This indicates how many if any detail entries should be read for each entry on the board. To understand detail entries better please read the article on Steam Leaderboards.

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

The callback should take the form of

void HandleCallback(LeaderboardEntry[] results, bool IOError)
    //Do Work

Get All Entries

public void GetAllEntries(int maxDetailEntries, Action<LeaderboardEntry[], bool> callback)

Returns all entries on this board

  • maxDetailEntries This indicates how many if any detail entries should be read for each entry on the board. To understand detail entries better please read the article on Steam Leaderboards.

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

The callback should take the form of

void HandleCallback(LeaderboardEntry[] results, bool IOError)
    //Do Work

Get Entries

public void GetEntries(ELeaderboardDataRequest request, 
                int start, 
                int end, 
                int maxDetailEntries, 
                Action<LeaderboardEntry[], bool> callback)
  • request The type of query you want to run ... See ELeaderboardDataRequest for details

  • start The index to start downloading entries.

  • end The index to stop downloading entries.

  • maxDetailEntries This indicates how many if any detail entries should be read for each entry on the board. To understand detail entries better please read the article on Steam Leaderboards.

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

public void GetEntries(UserData[] users, 
                int maxDetailEntries, 
                Action<LeaderboardEntry[], bool> callback)
  • users The set of users you want to read records for.

  • maxDetailEntries This indicates how many if any detail entries should be read for each entry on the board. To understand detail entries better please read the article on Steam Leaderboards.

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

The callback should take the form of

void HandleCallback(LeaderboardEntry[] results, bool IOError)
    //Do Work


public void Register();

Finds or creates the board according to configuration values. This is handled by the internal system for all boards defined at development time but must be called manually if you define this object at run time.

Upload Score

public void UploadScore(int score, 
                ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod method, 
                Action<LeaderboardScoreUploaded, bool> callback = null)
public void UploadScore(int score, 
                int[] scoreDetails, 
                ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod method, 
                Action<LeaderboardScoreUploaded, bool> callback = null)
  • score The score to upload

  • scoreDetails Additional details to add to the entry if accepted

  • method The ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethod to be used on upload

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

The callback should take the form of

void HandleCallback(LeaderboardScoreUploaded result, bool IOError)
    //Do Work


Similar to upload score this is a simplified set of upload score commands that assumes you wish to use the "Force Update" method e.g. you want the score to be applied rather or not it is the better value between the current score and the one you are uploading.

public void ForceUploadScore(int score)


public void ForceUploadScore(string score)

When uploading a string score the system will attempt to parse the score to an int value, this should only be used when your uploading score from a text field and is meant for testing not production use.


Similar to upload score this is a simplified set of upload score commands that assumes you wish to use the "Keep Best" method e.g. you want the best ranking value to be keep rather that is the score you are uploading or the user's current score.

public void KeepBestUploadScore(int score)


public void KeepBestUploadScore(string sscore)

When uploading a string score the system will attempt to parse the score to an int value, this should only be used when your uploading score from a text field and is meant for testing not production use.

Attach UGC

public void AttachUGC(string fileName, 
        object jsonObject, 
        System.Text.Encoding encoding, 
        Action<LeaderboardUGCSet, bool> callback = null)
  • fileName The name of the file to be saved, this is only used when created the file and can be removed or changed later without breaking the entry on the board

  • jsonObject Any "Serializable" object, we use Unity's JsonUtility to serialize your object to JSON for writing.

  • encoding (optional) the encoding method you want to use, if not provided we will use UTF8

  • callback A method to be invoked when the process completes

The callback should take the form of

void HandleCallback(LeaderboardUGCSet result, bool IOError)
    //Do Work

Last updated