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Clan List

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Displays a list of the clans the user sees e.g. is a member of or otherwise has a relationship with.

namespace HeathenEngineering.SteamworksIntegration.UI
public class ClanList : MonoBehaviour

Fields and Attributes


Can only be set in the editor, Scopes the list to specific clans

private Filter filter = Filter.Any;

Valid options include

  • Any

  • Official Groups

  • Public Groups

  • Non-official Groups

  • Private Groups

  • Followed


Can only be set in the editor, The root where new records will be spawned when found

private Transform content;

Record Template

Can only be set in the editor, The template to be cloned for each entry found

private GameObject recordTemplate;

Active Filter

Updates the filter value

public Filter ActiveFilter { get; set; }



Clears the list of records being managed

public void Clear()

Update Display

Updates the displayed list of records

public void UpdateDisplay()

Match Filter

Returns true if the Clan priovided matches the filter value

public bool MatchFilter(ClanData clan)

Last updated